Mental Health First Aid Courses

The courses provide trainees with updated knowledge, skills and abilities required to provide the necessary assistance and guidance to support individuals facing mental health problems. Mental Health First Aid training is delivered by the Trainers of Richmond Foundation who are official Mental Health First Aid instructors.


Blended Mental Health First Aid Community Course

The Standard Mental Health First Aid course has been adapted to a new Blended Online Mental Health First Aid Community Course. The course includes two course components:

  • Course component 1 – Self-paced interactive eLearning (5 to 7 hours)
  • Course component 2 – Instructor-led video conferencing or in the class learning . (2 x 2.5 hour sessions.

Course participants will learn mental health first aid skills that can be applied to help any adult. Course participants first complete the interactive self-paced eLearning component that presents an overview of mental health problems and mental health crises. The videoconferencing training allows participants the opportunity to revise and consolidate skills in a group environment.

MHFA Course Content

  • Mental health problems in Malta
  • Mental Health First Aid Action Plan
  • Depression
  • Anxiety problems
  • Psychosis
  • Substance use problems
  • Mental health crises


Crisis Situations Covered

  • Person who is suicidal or engaging in self-injury
  • Person having a panic attack
  • Person who has experienced a traumatic event
  • Person in a severe psychotic state
  • Person with severe effects from alcohol or other drug use
  • Person with aggressive behavior

Blended Mental Health First Aid Workplace Course

The course teaches managers, supervisors and individuals how to assist a co-worker who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. However course participants will learn mental health first aid skills that can be applied to help any adult.

Course content is tailored to the workplace setting using case-studies, videos and resources tailored to their learning needs.

Course participants first complete the interactive self-paced eLearning component that presents an overview of mental health problems and mental health crises. The follow-on videoconferencing training allows participants the opportunity to revise and consolidate skills in a group environment, and to address mental health problems in the workplace in more depth.

Developed in response to COVID-19, the new Blended Online Mental Health First Aid Workplace  Course includes two course components:

  • Course component 1 – Self-paced interactive eLearning (5 to 7 hours)
  • Course component 2 – Instructor-led video conferencing or in the class learning . (2 x 2.5 hour sessions.

MHFA Course Content

  • Mental health problems in Malta
  • Mental Health First Aid Action Plan
  • Depression
  • Anxiety problems
  • Psychosis
  • Substance use problems
  • Mental health crises


Crisis Situations Covered

  • Person who is suicidal or engaging in self-injury
  • Person having a panic attack
  • Person who has experienced a traumatic event
  • Person in a severe psychotic state
  • Person with severe effects from alcohol or other drug use
  • Person with aggressive behavior
Contact us for more information

Standard Mental Health First Aid Course

The course is most relevant in situations when it is first becoming apparent to an adult that a  person is developing a mental health problem. However, the course may also provide some useful information on how to assist persons who has a history of a mental illness or longer-term mental health problems.

  • The course consists of 12 contact learning hours which are delivered through 4 sessions of 3 hours each.
  • The sessions are delivered over one week on two days 9:00hrs to 16:00hrs.

MHFA Course Content

  • Mental health problems in Malta
  • Mental Health First Aid Action Plan
  • Depression
  • Anxiety problems
  • Psychosis
  • Substance use problems
  • Mental health crises


Crisis Situations Covered

  • Person who is suicidal or engaging in self-injury
  • Person having a panic attack
  • Person who has experienced a traumatic event
  • Person in a severe psychotic state
  • Person with severe effects from alcohol or other drug use
  • Person with aggressive behavior

Who can attend a MHFA course?

Any interested adult can attend. This course is not a therapy or support group; rather it is an education course like anyone can attend a regular, standard First Aid Course.

Course cost

The cost of the 12 hour Standard Mental Health First Aid Course is €150 (this includes a €3 non-refundable processing fee). The cost includes MHFA 2nd edition Manual, access to the Learning Platform, access to a dedicated mobile application and a Certificate of Completion valid for 3 years.

Contact us for more information

Mental Health First Aid at the Workplace

“There is no health without mental health” (WHO,2016) especially at the workplace!

MHFA at the workplace is aimed at promoting mental health awareness in an organisation. It aims to train managers, HR personnel and team leaders to recognise when an employee is experiencing a mental health problem and to use their knowledge of mental health first aid to help this person.

The courses developed for MHFA at the Workplace are all based on the standard MHFA course.  Additional guidelines, videos and training materials are used to adapt the content to the working environment.

The instructors delivering the training have significant experience working with and supporting various organisations and individuals with mental health problems.

The Benefits of MHFA for your Organisation

  • Having certified Mental Health First Aiders within the organisation
  • Increased awareness about Mental Health
  • Significantly greater skills in effectively identifying the most common mental health illnesses thus enabling early interventions
  • Decreased social distance from people with mental health illnesses
  • Increased confidence in providing help to others
  • Demonstrated increase in generally helpful actions at the workplace
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Award in Standard Mental Health First Aid

Award in Standard Mental Health First Aid

This is a Further Education Programme, Level 3 Malta Qualification Framework (MQF) and Level 3 European Qualification Framework (EQF) for lifelong learning

Mode of delivery / hours of total learning – Face-to-face

Face-to-face Online with instructor Self-learning Assessment Total
Face-to-face 12hrs / 12hrs 1hr


Workload/credits: 1ECTS

Mode of attendance: part-time

Programme duration: Should be completed within 2 weeks. Certification valid for 3 years.

Dates of next intake: Intakes are open all the time.

Target audience: 19-30, and/or 31-65, and/or 65+

Mental Health First Aid is aimed at three target audiences, including:

  1. Persons aged eighteen years and older.
  2. Corporations.
  3. Educational institutions.

Language: Maltese or English

Address of venue: Richmond Foundation, 424 , St. Joseph High Road Santa Venera

Entry requirements – Any learners attending this course must be eighteen years and older. Learners must also possess of basic proficiency in either the English Language or Maltese.


    • Session 1: Introduction and Depression
    • Session 2: ALGEE for Depression
    • Session 3: ALGEE for Anxiety and Psychosis
    • Session 4: ALGEE for Psychosis and Substance Use Disorder and ALGEE for Substance Use Disorder

Learning outcomes of the programme

Click here

This module will be taught through an array of complimentary teaching practices, including:

    1. Presentations
    2. Videos
    3. Practice
    4. Group work
    5. Role play

Grading system: Attendance for all 12 hours of learning and pass mark of 80% or higher

  • A one hour, multiple choice exam shall be provided to students at the end of this course.
  • The multiple choice exam shall be developed and based upon the fundamental principles encased in lectures.
  • The core objective of the multiple choice exam is to exhibit progress in the learning process for both the learners and the teacher.
  • The multiple choice exam shall suffice as a benchmark denoting the learning gains a student has achieved though lectures.

Fees: For a group of 15 participants or less – Fee: €2,100 per group, any additional participants: €140 each

Link to Identity Malta’s VISA requirement for third country nationals

Internal Quality Assurance Policy: Click here

Contact details:


t: 21669150

Richmond Foundation Mental Health First Aid Training Centre

Further Education Institute

Licence number: 2019-011

Contact us for more information

Certified Mental Health First Aid Skilled Workplace

The objective of this initiative is to acknowledge  and reward the many organisations across Malta that are increasing mental health awareness within their organisation by encouraging their employees to attend the MHFA Course and become certified Mental Health First Aiders at the workplace

This certification aims to encourage all types of organisations to promote mental health awareness at the workplace by offering the MHFA course to a significant number of employees and therefore increasing the number of trained Mental Health First Aiders at the workplace.

These are the organisations recognised for their commitment of training staff in Mental Health First Aid:

Benefits of becoming a Certified MHFA Skilled Workplace

  • Being recognised as an organisation that puts Employee Wellbeing at the forefront
  • Being recognised as an organisation that promotes Mental Health
  • Being recognised as an organisation that encourages employees to respond to mental health issues at the workplace in an effective and efficient manner
  • Being a recognised organisation will set an example for other organisations to participate in MHFA courses
  • Being recognised as a socially responsible employer attracts more motivated employees, contributing towards a more positive dynamic among the workforce (University of Oslo, Norway).

Requirements and Levels of Recognition

The Certified MHFA Skilled Workplace Initiative offers three levels of recognition based on a workplace’s size and percentage of staff trained in MHFA.

The Certified Skilled Workplace Initiative has been structured in a way that makes it accessible to and inclusive of workplaces with varying sizes.

The table below demonstrates the percentage of trained staff required for each level according to the workplace size.

Example: If an organisation is a Medium Sized Organisation of 200 employees, 20% of staff would have to be trained as Mental Health First Aiders in order for the organisation to be rewarded Gold recognition


To be eligible to apply for recognition under this initiative, the workplace must maintain a required percentage of staff that holds a valid MHFA certificate. The certificate is to have been issued within the last 3 years from date of application.

How are Certified MHFA Skilled Workplaces Assessed?

Companies that meet the above requirements will be acknowledged in the following ways for 12 months:

After 12 months, workplaces will be asked to confirm that they still meet the requirements for recognition.